Aqui estão todos os módulos que são de interesse para utilização do PADE, tais como o módulo que contém a classe Agent, módulo de construção de mensagens e de construção de comportamentos.

FIPA-ACL message creation and handling module

This module contains a class which implements an ACLMessage type object. This object is the standard FIPA message used in the exchange of messages between agents.

class pade.acl.messages.ACLMessage(performative=None)

Class that implements a ACLMessage message type


Method used to add recipients for the message being created.

Parâmetros:aid – AID type object that identifies the agent that will receive the message.

Method used to add the agents that should receive the answer of the message.

Parâmetros:aid – AID type object that identifies the agent that will receive the answer of this message.

Creates a reply for the message Duplicates all the message structures exchanges the “from” AID with the “to” AID


Method to set the Performative parameter of the ACL message.

Parâmetros:performative – performative type of the message.

It can be any of the attributes of the ACLMessage class.


Method to set the agent that will send the message.

Parâmetros:aid – AID type object that identifies the agent that will send the message.